Committee Information
This page will have information on committees that support District business. Any meeting materials for committees will be under the Meeting Materials tab.
This committee was approved by the Board of Commissioners to support the creation of an overall security framework for the District, including reviewing RFPs and providing recommendations, working to improve the public’s perception of public safety, and supporting other relevant matters in the District.
The current members are the following:
Patrick Kutz (Chair): Commissioner
Heather Sanders: Commissioner
Benjamin Moramarco
Nancy Vordtriede
Philip Blonde
Sal EasterleyThere are two openings on this committee: one business owner representative and one homeowner. Please find the application to join this committee here: APPLICATION FORM.
This committee was approved by the Board of Commissioners to evaluate funding proposals and financial decisions before providing recommendations to the full Board.
The initial members are the initial Board of Commissioner Officers:
Tom Bene (Chair)
Patrick Kutz
Brian Hoeltge
Don Orf